Saturday, December 11, 2021

Intergenerational Menorahs, Hanukkah, Glass Menorah, Blue Glass, Sculpture “BLUE INTERGENERATIONAL MENORAHS” by Florida Artist Mary Ann Ziegler


This price includes shipping for both pieces within the U.S. The two menorahs represent what a family member might want to purchase knowing that younger family members might not be able to celebrate Hanukkah together due to quarantine restrictions. The two menorahs sell for $525.oo as a pair but can be purchased separately as well. The intention of the artist is to have via FaceTime, etc. allow two separate families to participate in this family tradition even though they may be miles apart. Close to identical menorahs are meant to enhance the experience and allow religious involvement for both parties simultaneously.

Click HERE for size and price. 

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